Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

Money laundering and terrorism financing risks posed by alternative remittance in Australia [electronic resource] / by David Rees.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




1 online resource (xiv, 100 p.)


Also issued in print.


The events of 11 September 2001 have heightened interest in ensuring that all sectors of the financial system are not misused either by criminal or terrorist groups. In addition to conventional banks, money and value can be transferred by alternative remittance providers who have, until recently, not been closely regulated. Regulators are concerned that the informal nature of these businesses may lead to their use by terrorist groups and other criminals. This brief considers the characteristics of alternative remittance businesses, the risks they pose and some of the current responses to these risks.


Accès en ligne


1. Introduction -- 2. The nature and use of alternative remittance systems -- 3. The Australian experience of alternative remittance services -- 4. Illegal use of alternative remittance systems -- 5. The regulatory response -- 6. Strategies to enhance compliance.

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