Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

Diversion programs for Indigenous women [electronic resource] / Lorana Bartels.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




Includes bibliographical references.


"ISSN 1836-9111".


This paper presents a brief overview of the key diversion programs for Indigenous women currently in operation in Australia, with reference to relevant developments in New Zealand and Canada. It was prepared against the background of recent research on Indigenous women’s offending patterns and their over-representation in the criminal justice system (see Bartels 2010), which included the following key findings: analysis of data from New South Wales, the Northern Territory and South Australia indicated that Indigenous women are between nine and 16 times more likely to offend than their non-Indigenous counterparts; this is a much greater over-representation than for men (8–10 times more likely); Indigenous women generally serve shorter sentences than their non-Indigenous counterparts, which suggests that Indigenous women are being imprisoned for more minor offences, especially public order offences; and Indigenous women are more likely than non-Indigenous women to be on remand.


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Research in practice, 1836-9111 ; no. 13.

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