Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

Edge of light : operational assessment / by M. Brosseau and C. Gilmour.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




1 online resource (44 pages)


Authors affiliated with Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Central Bureau for Counterfeits; and Revenue Canada, Labratory and Scientific Services Directorate.


"The "edge of light" (EOL) technology was developed at the National Research Council - Institute of Aerospace Research (NRC-IAR). The technology was initially evaluated in the NRC laboratory. As a result of this evaluation and the potential of "EOL" technology in the law enforcement community it was decided to have the RCMP Central Forensic Laboratory and the Revenue Canada Laboratory and Scientific Services Directorate to operationally evaluate the technology. This technical memorandum describes these two evaluations. Appended to this technical memorandum is the NRC-IAR Fact Sheet and Tech Sheet."


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Technical memorandum (Canadian Police Research Centre) ; TM-05-98.

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