Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

Occupational medicine for policing / A. Trottier, J. Brown.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (7 pages)


Authors affiliated with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
Reprint of Journal of Clinical Forensic Medicine (1995) 2, 105-110.


"A wide variety of medical conditions may be associated with police work. Unlike other occupations vvhere a specific link can be traced between an exposure or an action and a specific pathology, the link between police work and disease is more problematic. The medical conditions which seem to be associated with police work are all conditions for which numerous other risk factors are identifiable. These risk factors include physical inactivity, poor nutritional practices, cigarette smoking and alcohol. ... This review will examine the evidence for a number of medical conditions."


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