Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

Focused Enforcement Team : summer action plan results 2012.

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Recherches policières canadienne


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1 online resource (6 pages) ; charts.


"Dave Bown, Acting Inspector, Focused Enforcement Team."
Caption title.


The summer months have traditionally shown an increase in calls for service in the downtown core area. The increase in special events, tourists, visible street population, and other social issues increase the demand placed on police services. The goal of the summer action plan is to reduce the impact that these occurrences have on the community. The key is balancing of the uniform presence with focused and targeted enforcement. This will be accomplished by having a highly visible uniform presence before and during peak hours, having a zero tolerance for alcohol and drug related offences, licensed premise enforcement and by targeting known offenders and problem areas. This has been very effective in mitigating the problems that have the potential to escalate later.


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