Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

Report on the status of women in the Afghan National Police / Tonita Murray.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (30 pages) : charts.


"A CANADEM project supported by the Canadian International Development Agency."


Canada is supporting Afghan government efforts by funding a gender advisor for the the Ministry of Interior Affairs (MOI). This report is part of that support. It describes the current status of gender equity in the MOI, and identifies the matters requiring attention for gender equity to become a reality. The report is based on a survey of a group of policewomen, and information gathered from a variety of sources in the capital and in the provinces. It is not a complete picture, but it assembles more information on policewomen than has previously existed, so can serve as a measure for future gender progress equity.


Accès en ligne


Executive summary -- Context -- Methodology -- Police women in the Afghan National Police -- Support for gender activities in the Ministry of Interior Affairs and the Afghan National Police -- The recruitment problem -- Support for gender equity form other Afghan government agencies -- International support for gender in Afghan policing -- Conclusions -- Next steps.

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