Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

Edmonton Police Service control tactics statistics ... report.

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Recherches policières canadienne



Titre alternatif

End of year reports for 2009-2011 bear title: Edmonton Police Service control tactics year-end report
Mid-year reports for 2009-2011 bear title: Edmonton Police Service control tactics statistics
Reports for 2012- bear title: Edmonton Police Service control tactics statistics report




1 online resource


Reports include letter of submission bearing statement: Report to the Edmonton Police Commission.
Title from letter of submission subject line.
"The Edmonton Police Service (EPS) submits two reports annually to the Edmonton Police Commission (EPC) that outline all instances of reported use of force. One report provides a statistical summary of the use of force events that occurred during the first half of a year and the second report provides a statistical summary of the entire year."--Introduction, 2012 January - June.


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