Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

Cognitive-behavioral treatment for antisocial behavior in youth residential treatment / Bengt-Åke Armelius, Tore Henning Andreassen.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




Includes bibliographical references (pages 32-41).


1 online resource (56 pages)


Author(s) affiliated with: University of Umeå.


"Results of twelve studies, five [randomised controlled trials] and seven non-RCTs including a control group, conducted in the USA, Canada and Great Britain suggest that Cognitive Behavioral Treatment (CBT) in residential settings is more effective than standard treatment in reducing criminal behavior in adolescents twelve months after release from the institution. The results are consistent across studies although the studies vary in quality. There is no evidence that the results of CBT are better than those of alternative treatments, i.e. treatments other than CBT."--Page 4.


Accès en ligne


Campbell systematic reviews (The Campbell Collaboration), 1891-1803 ; 2007:8.

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