Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

National study on neck restraint in policing / authors: Christine Hall, Chris Butler ; prepared for the Canadian Police Research Centre.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques

Titre alternatif

Étude nationale sur les prises par l'encolure en application policière.




Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (110 pages)


Author(s) affiliated with: Department of Emergency Medicine, Vancouver Island Health Authority; Calgary Police Service.
"2007 - January."
PDF erroneously bears "Report no. TR-01-2007", which belongs to title "Neck restraint literature review "by Noreen Barros, published in 2006.
Published also in French under title: Étude nationale sur les prises par l'encolure en application policière.


"The intent of this review is to provide a multi disciplinary report evaluating police use of neck restraint, with specific attention to vascular neck restraint. The report began with extensive expert medical review of the body of medical evidence and case law surrounding application of neck restraint. The neck restraint was evaluated with focus directed to the various types of neck restraints, the risk of injury from application of the restraint, medical implications and any collateral issues pertaining to case law and training. Recommendations for future evaluations were also generated."--Foreword.


Accès en ligne


Technical report (Canadian Police Research Centre); TR-03-2007.

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