Catalogue canadien de recherches policières

National contact management principles and practice.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (91 pages)


"This document has been produced by the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) with the assistance of the NPIA." -- Page 2.


This document includes the core principles and underpinning critical success factors for contact management. It contains a selfassessment framework to assist forces in identifying and delivering local improvements.


Accès en ligne


Overview. -- The Business Case for Change. -- Developing the National Contact Management Principles and Practice. -- Continuous Improvement. -- Understanding the Chapters. -- How to Use this Document. -- Structure of the Document. --
Chapter One – Customer Insight and Experience. -- Summary. -- Principle and Critical Success Factors. -- Creating a Citizen Focus Approach. -- Accessibility. -- Channel Strategy. -- Customer Insight. -- Keeping People Informed. -- The Quality of the Customer Experience. -- Dealing with Complaints and Dissatisfaction. -- Diagnostic Indicators. --
Chapter Two – Our Service Delivery. -- Summary. -- Principles and Critical Success Factors. -- Demand Forecasting and Resource Planning. -- Incident Management. -- National Contact Management Grades. -- Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery. -- Diagnostic Indicators. --
Chapter Three – Supporting Our Service Delivery. -- Summary. -- Principles and Critical Success Factors. -- Leadership and Culture. -- Our People. -- Employee Engagement. -- Investing in People. -- Wellbeing of Staff. -- Reward and Recognition. -- Diagnostic Indicators. --
Chapter Four – Value for Money. -- Summary. -- Principle and Critical Success Factors. -- Reducing Bureaucracy. -- Continuous Improvement. -- HMIC Value for Money Profiles. -- Collaboration. -- Business Partnering. -- Systems Thinking. -- Customer Experience: Cost Optimisation. -- Diagnostic Indicator.

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