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Mass-marketing fraud : a report to the Attorney General of the United States and the Solicitor General of Canada / Binational Working Group on Crime-Border Mass Marketing Fraud.

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Sécurité publique Canada, Bibliothèque et Catalogue canadien de recherches policières


Archives électroniques




Includes bibliographical references.


xi, 122 p. : ill. ; 28 cm.


Cover title.
Available also in electronic format.


"The report will first describe the current state of mass-marketing fraud affecting Canada and the United States. It will then summarize the principal legal, policy, operational, and administrative changes that have occurred in both countries since 1997 in response to telemarketing fraud and other mass-marketing fraud. This summary will include (1) substantive and procedural laws; (2) multiagency task forces and strategic partnerships; and (3) noteworthy enforcement and public education and prevention accomplishments (e.g., examples of significant cross-border prosecutions and pubic educational efforts). It will then identify certain problems, stemming from changes in cross-border fraud over the past five years, that may require new responses or tools. As the report will describe, these will include (1) the growth in numbers and locations of various telemarketing and other mass-marketing schemes, (2) the increasing involvement of organized crime (including the use of strongarm tactics in fraud), and (3) the distinctive challenges that identity theft poses for law enforcement and the public. Where appropriate, it will offer specific recommendations for legal, policy, operational, and adminstrative changes that appear necessary to meet the current challenges of cross-border mass-marketing fraud"--P. x.


Accès en ligne


1. Introduction. -- 2. Mass-marketing fraud today. -- 3. The response to mass-marketing fraud, 1998-2003. -- 4. Current challenges in cross-border fraud — Towards a binational action plan. -- Appendix: Selected cross-border mass-marketing fraud enforcement actions.


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