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Statistical methods in counterterrorism : game theory, modeling, syndromic surveillance, and biometric authentication / Alyson G. Wilson, Gregory D. Wilson, David H. Olwell, editors.


Sécurité publique Canada, Bibliothèque


Livres et rapports


HV 6432 S73 2006




Includes bibliographical references and index.


xii, 292 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.


This book is an overview of the emerging research program at the intersection of national security and statistical sciences. This book includes technical treatments of statistical issues that will be of use to quantitative researchers as well as more general examinations of quantitative approaches to counterterrorism that will be accessible to decision makers with policy backgrounds.



1. Game theory in an age of terrorism: how can statisticians contribute? / Ronald D. Fricker, Jr. -- 2. Combining game theory and risk analysis in counterterrorism: a smallpox example / David L. Banks & Steven Anderson. -- 3. Game-theoretic and reliability methods in counterterrorism and security / Vicki Bier. -- 4. Biometric authentication / David L. Banks. -- 5. Towards statistically rigorous biometric authentication using facial images / Sinjini Mitra. -- 6. Recognition problem of biometrics: nonparametric dependence measures and aggregated algorithms / Andrew L. Rukhin. -- 7. Data analysis research issues and emerging public health biosurveillance directions / Henry Rolka. -- 8. Current and potential statistical methods for monitoring multiple data streams for biosurveillance / Galit Shmueli, Stephen E. Fienberg. -- 9. Evaluating statistical methods for syndromic surveillance / Michael A. Stoto & others. -- 10. A spatiotemporal analysis of syndromic data for biosurveillance / Laura Forsberg & others. -- 11. Modeling and simulation for defense and national security / Wendy L. Martinez. -- 12. Modeling and parameterization for a smallpox simulation study / Sarah Michalak & Gregory Wilson. -- 13. Approaches to modeling the concentration field for adaptive sampling of contaminants during site decontamination / William K. Sieber & others. -- 14. Secure statistical analysis of distributed databases / Alan F. Karr. -- 15. Statistical evaluation of the impact of background suppression on the sensitivity of passive radiation detectors / Tom Burr & others.


1HV 6432 S73 2006DisponiblePS-Circ
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