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The edge of violence / Jamie Bartlett, Jonathan Birdwell, Michael King.

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Projet de recherche Kanishka


Livres électroniques

Titre alternatif

The edge of violence : a radical approach to extremism




Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource ([75] pages)


Supported by Public Safety Canada, Justice Canada and the UK Economic and Social Research Council.--See page 6.


"The path into terrorism in the name of Islam is often described as a process of radicalisation. But to be radical is not necessarily to be violent. Violent radicals are clearly enemies of liberal democracies, but nonviolent radicals might sometimes be powerful allies.This report is a summary of two years research examining the difference between violent and nonviolent radicals in Europe and Canada. It represents a step towards a more nuanced understanding of behaviour across radicalised individuals, the appeal of the al-Qaeda narrative, and the role of governments and communities in responding."--Page [75].


Accès en ligne


1. Muslim communities in the West -- 2. Findings -- 3. Recommendations.

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