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Hidden abuse, hidden crime : the domestic trafficking of children in Canada : the relationship to sexual exploitation, running away and children at risk of harm : final report / by Marlene Dalley.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques

Titre alternatif

Domestic trafficking of children in Canada : the relationship to sexual exploitation, running away and children at risk of harm




Includes bibliographical references (p. 88-98).


1 online resource (104 pages)


Authors affiliated with: National Missing Children Services (Canada).
"June 2010."
"Canadian Police Centre for Missing and Exploited Children, Royal Canadian Mounted Police."


The purpose of this study was to conduct a nation-wide research probe in order to provide a base of understanding regarding the trafficking of children in Canada. Specifically, this report explores the linkages between trafficking, running away and other at risk groups and situations.


Accès en ligne


1. Acknowledgements -- 2. Executive summary -- 3. Background -- 4. Introduction -- 5. Service available to abducted children and youth -- 6. Service available to missing "runaway" children and youth -- 7. Relationship to the sex trade -- 8. Purpose of research -- 9. Methodology -- 10. Legal framework -- 11. Review of the literature -- 12. Assessment -- 13. Action statements -- 14. References -- Appendix A. Review of the literature: executive summary -- Appendix B. Historic dates: Child Rights and Eliminate Violence -- Appendix C. Canadian Missing Children 2008 Statistic -- Appendix D. Definitions -- Appendix E. Limitations.

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