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Report on the audit of the Aboriginal & Other Communities & Organizations Funds Program.

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Audit of the Aboriginal & Other Communities & Organizations Funds Program report, March 30, 2005
Rapport sur la vérification du Programme de financement pour les collectivités et les organismes autochtones et autres.




1 online resource (26 pages)


"Presented to: Canada Firearms Centre."
"Prepared by: progestic international inc."
Issued also in French under title: Rapport sur la vérification du Programme de financement pour les collectivités et les organismes autochtones et autres.


The purpose of the audit was to review the appropriateness of the Contribution Agreements in place between the Canada Firearms Centre and Aboriginal and Other Communities and Organizations and the monitoring process of the Terms and Conditions of the agreements between CAFC with recipients across the country. The audit scope covered a review of the management practices and controls as they relate to the Aboriginal & Other Communities & Organizations Funds Program to ensure compliance with the Terms and Conditions of the program; ensure that the contribution recipient(s) provided all the deliverables specified in the contribution agreement, funds expended were eligible expenditures and were supported by proper documentation; and assess the quality of financial control measures and mechanisms in place to manage risks effectively. It covered the fiscal period April 01, 2003 to September 30, 2004.


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Executive summary -- Statement of assurance -- 1. Introduction -- 2. Objectives and scope -- 3. Audit findings -- 3.1. Roles and responsibilities -- 3.2. Communications strategy -- 3.3. TBS transfer payment policy -- 3.4. cash management policy -- 3.5. Basis and method of payment -- 3.6. Results-Based Management and Accountability Framework (RMAF) -- 3.7. Agreement files -- 4. Recommendations -- 5. Annex -- 5.1. Terms of reference -- 5.2. Action plan.

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