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Analysis of transportation security risk regulation regimes: Canadian airports, seaports, rail, trucking and bridges / Kevin Quigley, Bryan Mills.

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Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource ([v], 70 pages)


Authors are affiliated with Dalhousie University.
"February 1, 2014".
"The authors wish to acknowledge the support of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (Standard Operating Grant No. 410-2008-1357; Partnership Development Grant No. 890-2010-0123), Public Safety Canada and the Kanishka Project Contribution Program."--Page [ii].
Summary in English and in French.


"We employ the Hood, Rothstein and Baldwin (2001) meso-level risk regulation regime framework to conduct an analysis of Canadian transportation security in these five subsectors: airports, seaports, rail, trucking and bridges. First, we describe and analyse the information-gathering, standard-setting and behaviour-modification practices of these subsectors with respect to security. Secondly, we explore the context that potentially influences the risk regulation regimes, including the role of markets, public opinion/media and organized interests."--Executive summary.


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