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Report on conducted energy weapons and excited delirium syndrome / Written by: Bruce Stuart, Chris Lawrence ; reviewed by: Christine Hall.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques

Titre alternatif

Rapport sur les armes à impulsions et le syndrome du délire aigu.




Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (1 page)


Issued also in French under title: Rapport sur les armes à impulsions et le syndrome du délire aigu.
"October 29, 2007."


"Various methods of restraint have been the subject of blame for sudden, unexpected deaths. In the 1980s the use of neck restraints, in the 1990s both Oleoresin Capsicum Spray (pepper spray) and prone restraint (hog tie) were thought responsible. CEWs and specifically the TASER® are now being implicated in these deaths. While the various modalities of restraint are all different, the characteristics of the people requiring restraint are the same. The deaths have been associated with what has become known as Excited Delirium (ED), or more accurately Excited Delirium Syndrome (EDS). EDS is neither a diagnosis nor a cause of death. There seem to be consistent characteristics but variable underlying medical problems in people experiencing EDS. Many law enforcement agencies throughout the world, including the RCMP, have come under criticism as a result of sudden unexpected deaths or deaths following police restraint. Current expert consensus indicates that the use of the CEW followed by a quick and effective method of restraint may be the best intervention method in order to gain control and provide medical assistance for individuals displaying EDS."


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