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2015-2016 evaluation of the Kanishka Project Research Initiative : final report.

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Évaluation de 2015-2016 de l’Initiative de recherche du projet Kanishka : rapport final.



Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (ii, 33 pages)


Available also in French under title: Évaluation de 2015-2016 de l’Initiative de recherche du projet Kanishka : rapport final
"Building a safe and resilient Canada."


This evaluation examined the relevance and performance of the Kanishka Project Research Initiative, a $10-million five-year initiative, established in 2011 to address gaps in understanding of terrorism in Canada and the way it manifests itself in Canadian communities. The Initiative has several components, including a grants and contributions component that is designed to fund research studies and support direct engagement with researchers. Given that the Initiative includes a grants and contributions component, the evaluation assessed the extent to which the design, delivery and administration of this component of the Initiative conformed to the requirements of the Government of Canada Policy on Transfer Payments.


Accès en ligne


1. INTRODUCTION. -- 2. PROFILE. -- 2.1 Background. -- 2.2 Governance. -- 2.3 Resources. -- 2.4 Program Logic Model. -- 3. ABOUT THE EVALUATION. -- 3.1 Objective and Scope. -- 3.2 Methodology. -- 3.3 Limitations. -- 3.4 Protocols. -- 4. FINDINGS. -- 4.1 Relevance. -- 4.2 Performance—Effectiveness. -- 4.3 Performance—Efficiency and Economy. -- 5. CONCLUSIONS. -- 6. RECOMMENDATIONS. -- 7. MANAGEMENT RESPONSE AND ACTION PLAN.

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