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Practice advice on analysis.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (140 pages)


"Produced on behalf of the Association of Chief Police Officers by the National Policing Improvement Agency"


"The purpose of this document is to give advice on analysis to staff working within policingand other law enforcement roles, and to organisations that work in partnership with thePolice Service." -- Page 6.


Accès en ligne


Section 1 INTRODUCTION. -- 1.1. Purpose of this Practice Advice. -- 1.2. Structure of this Practice Advice. -- 1.3. Practice Advice and Minimum Standards. -- 1.4. Relationship with Existing Doctrine. -- 1.5. Core Definitions. --
Section 2 UNDERSTANDING ANALYSIS. -- 2.1. Definition. -- 2.2. Background. -- 2.3. Intelligence Cycle. -- 2.4. Crime Theory and Approaches. --
Section 3 DEVELOPING TERMS OF REFERENCE. -- 3.1. Setting the Direction for Analysis. -- 3.2. Purpose of Terms of Reference. -- 3.3. Creating Terms of Reference. --
Section 4 OBTAINING AND EVALUATING INFORMATION. -- 4.1. Information for Analysis. -- 4.2. Collection. -- 4.3. Collation. -- 4.4. Evaluation. --
Section 5 APPLYING ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUES. -- 5.1. Analytical Tools and Techniques. -- 5.2. Analytical Techniques. -- 5.3. Analysis of Specialist Data. --
Section 6 DEVELOPING INFERENCES. -- 6.1. Definition. -- 6.2. The Importance of Inference Development. -- 6.3. Inference Development. --
Section 7 DEVELOPING RECOMMENDATIONS. -- 7.1. Key Findings. -- 7.2. Information Gaps. -- 7.3. Recommendations. -- 7.4. Problem Solving. --
Section 8 WRITING UP THE FINDINGS OF ANALYSIS. -- 8.1. Types of Product. -- 8.2. Analytical Products. -- 8.3. Intelligence Products. -- 8.4. Writing the Report. -- 8.5. Peer Review. --
Section 9 DISSEMINATING ANALYSIS. -- 9.1. Dissemination of Analytical Output. -- 9.2. Analytical Briefings and Presentations. --
Section 10 REVIEWING EFFECTIVENESS. -- 10.1. Ongoing Review of Analysis. -- 10.2. Final Review of Analysis.

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