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Armed forces domestic abuse : a handbook for civilian support services.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques

Titre alternatif

A handbook for civilian support services
Domestic abuse : guidance and support for the armed forces community




1 online resource (18 pages)


"This Handbook is designed to help and inform UK based civilian support services who are working with Armed Forces families affected by domestic abuse. The information within this Handbook is Armed Forces specific but it is essential that practitioners consider both military and civilian support options in order to ensure that families are able to access the most appropriate support for their individual needs. This Handbook should be read in conjunction with generic domestic abuse information. It is recognised that the majority of practitioners who use this Handbook will be experienced in supporting those affected by domestic abuse, although to ensure it has utility across all support services, generic working practices within the field of domestic abuse are referred to."--Page 1.


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