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"United States. Department of Justice. Office of Community Oriented Policing Services"

Titre Ressource Année Collection
Social media and tactical considerations for law enforcement. Livres électroniques 2013 CCRP
American policing in 2022 : essays on the future of a profession / edited by Debra R. Cohen McCullough and Deborah L. Spence. Livres électroniques 2012 CCRP
BOLO : be on the lookout : a continuing publication highlighting COPS Office community policing development projects / Office of Community Oriented Policing Services. Périodiques 2012 CCRP
Child pornography on the Internet / Richard Wortley, Stephen Smallbone. Livres électroniques 2012 CCRP
Community policing defined. Livres électroniques 2012 CCRP
Dogfighting : a guide for community action / Randall Lockwood. Livres électroniques 2012 CCRP
Engaging police in immigrant communities : promising practices from the field / Pradine Saint-Fort, Noëlle Yasso, Susan Shah. Livres électroniques 2012 CCRP
2011 electronic control weapons guidelines. Livres électroniques 2011 CCRP
The collaboration toolkit for community organizations : effective strategies to partner with law enforcement / by Michael S. McCampbell. Livres électroniques 2011 CCRP
Crime analysis case studies / Greg Jones and Mary Malina, editors. Livres électroniques 2011 CCRP
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