The Canada Community Security Program (CCSP)

The Government of Canada is committed to protecting the safety and security of all Canadians. The Canada Community Security Program (CCSP) provides time-limited funding and support for communities at risk of hate-motivated incidents/crime to enhance security measures at their gathering spaces.

Public Safety Canada is pleased to announce the launch of the Canada Community Security Program (CCSP) call for applications on October 1st, 2024.

The CCSP will be accepting applications through a continuous intake process. Applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. To stay informed about future calls for applications under the CCSP, please ensure that your organization has been added to our mailing list.

To better support applicants and communities in need, once funding is confirmed, Public Safety Canada may reimburse eligible expenses for new time-limited security personnel (employed by a provincially licensed private security organization) incurred by the applicant as of September 24, 2024. Costs incurred before September 24, 2024, will not be considered eligible. This means that money spent on specific eligible expenses prior to signing a funding agreement may be eligible for cost-sharing, up to 70%. This change has been implemented, on an exceptional basis, to allow communities to act sooner to protect their sites from hate crimes. It is important to note that funding is not confirmed until a funding agreement has been signed. Any money spent prior to the signature of the agreement is at the applicant's own risk. To be eligible for reimbursement for costs incurred for security personnel, an application must be submitted by no later than November 15, 2024.

For organizations wishing to contract security personnel for multiple project sites, please contact Public Safety Canada at

The CCSP replaces and enhances the work undertaken through the Security Infrastructure Program (SIP). Public Safety Canada, which leads the program, has taken feedback from organizations and partners, and designed the CCSP to be more responsive to community needs, address increasing demand for support from communities, and provide more flexibility to organizations seeking financial support.

What is new under CCSP?

Security Infrastructure Program (SIP)

Canada Community Security Program (CCSP)

Who can apply?

Private, not-for-profit organizations including:

  • Educational institutions
  • Shelters serving victims of gender-based violence
  • Places of worship
  • Community centres

Private, not-for-profit organizations covered by SIP, plus:

  • Office and administrative spaces
  • Cemeteries
  • Child care centres

Organizations may apply for funding and deliver projects on behalf of affiliated eligible recipients.

What is eligible?

  • Security equipment and hardware
  • Minor renovations to enhance security
  • Security and emergency assessments and plans
  • Training

Activities covered by SIP, plus:

  • Providing time-limited security personnel

Where can I find funding?

Up to 50% of eligible project expenses covered by Public Safety Canada

50% from the organization's funds

Up to 70% of eligible project expenses covered by Public Safety Canada

30% from sources including the organization's private funding, or funding provided by a provincial, territorial or municipal program, as long as government funding for the project does not exceed 100%

When are applications accepted?

Once a year during the 8 weeks when the call for applications is open

Apply anytime as a continuous intake

What documents do I need to apply?

  • A budget template
  • 2 comparable quotes
  • Floor plans
  • 2 letters of support
  • A budget template
  • 1 quote
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