Financial Crimes

Financial crimes pose serious threats to public safety, national security, and the integrity of Canada's financial system and economy. Fraud, corruption, blackmail, money laundering, terrorist financing, and sanctions evasion are all examples of financial crime. These crimes often support other types of criminal behaviour.

The Financial Crime Coordination Centre (FC3)

Public Safety Canada’s Financial Crime Coordination Centre (FC3) plays an important role in the Government's efforts to strengthen inter-agency collaboration and capacity-building for combatting financial crime. Established in 2019, FC3 leads on policy issues related to financial crime prevention and enforcement, and coordinates support to operational partners through:

FC3 Knowledge Hub Portal

FC3's Knowledge Hub is an online, access-restricted collaboration space that serves professionals at all levels of government who deal with money laundering and other financial crimes, particularly those in investigative or enforcement roles. The portal connects members to key resources and raises awareness of anti-money laundering efforts across Canada. It also provides practical information to help investigators, prosecutors, and other professionals in their work.

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FC3 Spin Cycle 2025

  • February 25 to February 27, 2025
  • Registration is limited to public sector employees
  • To register for the 2025 Spin Cycle, please contact us.

FC3’s annual Spin Cycle brings together investigators, prosecutors and other financial crime experts from across Canada to discuss emerging issues, best practices and innovative solutions. The 2024 offering attracted more than 1,350 registrants, including 250 joining in person.

This year’s event will take place from February 25 to February 27, 2025. Attendees have the option to participate virtually or attend in-person in Ottawa. The 2025 Spin Cycle will offer over 20 sessions on financial crimes, including money laundering, fraud, beneficial ownership, the use of artificial intelligence and cryptocurrency in financial crimes, legal and policy updates. Registration is limited to public sector employees.


Fraud is a serious threat that impacts individuals, businesses, and Canada’s economy. Identify theft, phishing schemes and online scams are all examples of fraud. Each year, thousands of Canadians fall victim to fraud often resulting in financial losses, compromised personal information, and lasting emotional effects.

Public Safety Canada is working with its partners in law enforcement and other levels of government to strengthen policies, provide public education and awareness, and support efforts to investigate and prosecute fraud.

Anti-Money Laundering

Money laundering is a serious financial crime that affects Canadians' safety, security and quality of life. Criminal organizations rely on laundered funds to feed other activities like corruption, fraud, human trafficking, and trade in drugs and firearms.

The Government of Canada takes money laundering seriously and has allocated over $320 million in investments since 2019 to bolster Canada’s enforcement of these complex crimes, strengthen the Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorist Financing (AML/ATF) Regime, and ensure Canada keeps pace with rapidly evolving threats. Key investment areas include:

Combatting money laundering and terrorist financing is a collaborative effort. It requires coordination across all levels of government, public and private sectors, and international borders. At the federal level, 13 departments and agencies have a role to play in tackling this issue. Canada’s Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorist Financing Strategy provides a fulsome view of Canada’s approach to respond to this complex and ever-evolving threat. Canada continues to assess its response using AML/ATF standards set by the Financial Action Task Force.

Report Suspected Financial Crimes

The Financial Crime Coordination Centre (FC3) supports Canadian anti-money laundering professionals and is not an investigative unit. To report suspected financial crimes refer to the resources below.

Money laundering

To report suspected incidents of money laundering, submit relevant information to the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC).


To report fraud-related concerns, please submit relevant information to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre (CAFC).

Tax offences

To report suspected tax or benefit cheating in Canada, you can submit relevant information to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Leads Program.


To report any other financial crimes, please contact your local Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) detachment or to your police of jurisdiction.

Contact FC3

If you are a member of the anti-money laundering community in Canada and would like to connect with the FC3 on their ongoing initiatives, please contact us.

Anti-Money Laundering News and Reports

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