Integrated Criminal Intelligence Service (Synopsis)

Royal Canadian Mounted Police—'L' Division

Description: Criminal Intelligence Service Prince Edward Island (CISPEI) is a provincial crime intelligence bureau comprised of police officers, analysts and support staff from Royal Canadian Mounted Police ‘L’ Division and municipal policing agencies in Prince Edward Island (PEI). It supports information sharing between agencies, enhancing their ability to cultivate and handle sensitive criminal intelligence, specifically in relation to serious and organized crime. CISPEI prepares PEI's Integrated Provincial Threat Assessment report, a "living document" with real-time information. The information is submitted quarterly to Criminal Intelligence Service Canada (CISC). This report is then added to the National Threat Assessment on Organized and Serious Crime in Canada. Work is underway to upgrade CISPEI’s handling procedures for sensitive information so that it can act as a central dissemination point for shared intelligence for all police agencies in PEI.
Objective: The objectives of CISPEI are to increase intelligence sharing for the purposes of tactical planning, and to clarify roles and responsibilities and avoid duplication of efforts amongst the various units and agencies working to combat organized and serious crime in PEI.
Outcomes: The initiative has been very successful in building partnerships and integrating efforts to manage criminal intelligence information. CISPEI’s planned evolution into a central dissemination point for shared intelligence will significantly enhance integration and sharing.
Resources: CISPEI has an annual operating budget of approximately $1.2 million. These costs include a secure office space and nine full-time employees.
Province: Prince Edward Island
Record Entry Date: 2015-03-01
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