This handbook begins with a general overview of how crime can be prevented, discussing why crime occurs and what strategies are effective in preventing crime. It then profiles specific programs for crime prevention in the developing world, presents an overview of crime prevention programs, and suggests some projects for countering criminality. Programs that target various crime causes are reviewed, as well as programs that reduce opportunities for crime. The importance of evaluating crime prevention programs in order to determine whether or not they are achieving their intended objectives is noted and information and evaluation needs are discussed. Finally, how to sustain momentum and suggestions on how to involve individuals, organizations, institutions, the state, technology, reform incentives, politicians, development agencies, sentencers, the police, and the community in crime prevention are discussed. Corruption is named as the biggest impediment to investment in these countries.
Introduction – 1. The aims and background of the handbook – 2. How crime can be prevented – 3. Programmes for crime prevention in the developing world – 4. The information and evaluation needs for effective crime reduction – 5. Who are the actors and what can they do? – 6. Capacity-building for effective crime prevention – 7. Sustaining momentum and activity – 8. Recommendations for immediate action. – Annexes.