"March 2003".
"This guide was prepared by Rod Jensen, LLM, Legal Researcher, International Criminal Court Project, the International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy (ICCLR)."--Page i.
"ICCLR wishes to express its appreciation to the Government of Canada for its financial support of this project, granted through the Department of Foreign Affairs & International Trade (DFAIT)."--Page i.
"... created to assist national criminal justice personnel to understand the nature and extent of possible requests from the ICC for cooperation and assistance with investigations and prosecutions being undertaken by the ICC; and/or to understand the nature and extent of requests that can be made to the ICC for cooperation and assistance with national investigations and prosecutions involving crimes within the jurisdiction of the ICC, or other serious crimes under the national law of the requesting government, where the ICC has already collected evidence in the course of its own investigation or trial of a related case."--Page 2.