Alternate Title
City of Red Deer crime prevention and policing study strategic update and policing services model review
Crime prevention and policing study strategic update and policing services model review : review summary, recommendations, and strategic framework.
"The overall Review is intended to provide recommendations with respect to crime prevention and policing strategies and the most effective policing service model for Red Deer. This will assist Council in understanding trends and needs, and will provide a basis for their decision making process. Additionally, the Review will provide for the development of a strategic framework for crime prevention and policing in Red Deer for now and into the future, in keeping with The City of Red Deer Strategic Plan, Vision and Direction. The Strategic Framework is provisional and subject to discussion with Council. It may also be changed as a result of input from participants in subsequent phases of the Review. Given that the Strategic Framework is an objective for the City, it will form the backdrop to Parts 2 and 3 of the Review."--Page 8.