"Findings from the Residential and Business Community surveys have been critical to the formation of policing priorities and are reflected in the Strategic Plan.
The survey process reported in this document was conducted in April 2013.
Forum Research Inc. conducted the survey on behalf of Peel Regional Police, and provided their expertise in the development and design of the questionnaires, as well as completed an analysis of the findings. This report is a summary of their findings. PRP chose a telephone survey methodology using random digit dialing. The survey was also made available online during the 2 week survey period. For the Residential Community Survey, the total sample surveyed was 1,200, 300 per Divisional boundaries. Results can be considered significant at the 95% Confidence Level, and accurate to within 2.3 percentage points. For the Business Community Survey, the total sample size was 268 with a 95% Confidence Level and accurate to within 6 percentage points."--Page 1.