I. Municipal Government Involvement In Crime Prevention And Community Safety -- Relevance for Canada.
II. Municipal Government Initiatives In The United Kingdom -- Crime Reduction Programme -- Community Safety Partnerships -- Crime and Disorder Partnership Reform -- Setting targets -- Audit and Inspection -- Youth Justice Board -- Anti-social behaviour orders -- Conclusion --
III. Municipal Government Initiatives In Other European Countries-- France -- Belgium -- Sweden -- The Netherlands -- Conclusion --
IV. Municipal-Level Initiatives In The United States -- New York City -- Boston --The Strategic Approach to Community Safety Initiative (SACSI) and Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN) -- Weed and Seed -- Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy -- Communities that Care -- Conclusion --
V. Crime Prevention Initiatives In Australia -- State-level strategies -- Conclusion --
VI. International Organizations -- Safer Cities—UN-Habitat -- The World Health Organization’s Violence Prevention Strategy -- Conclusion --
VII. What Have We Learned? -- References.