"The purpose of this paper is to present a review of the current evidence base on
what makes a great police leader – in terms of leadership styles, behaviours and
competencies. It focuses on internal police leadership for all ranks from first linemanagers
(sergeants) to chief executives (chief constables/ commissioners) and
summarises findings from relevant UK and international research studies published
in English over the last three decades (1979 - 2008.) An extensive systematic
literature search was conducted to identify relevant research evidence that reported
on outcomes and impact of police leadership. Think pieces and research papers that
did not report on such outcomes were excluded. The resulting list of 23 research
studies have been reviewed by the NPIA research team and their findings
summarised in this paper." -- Page 3.
1. OVERVIEW AND KEY FINDINGS. -- 2. REVIEW METHODS - SUMMARY. -- 3. OVERVIEW OF PAPERS. -- 4. RESEARCH GAPS AND LIMITATIONS. -- 5. MAIN FINDINGS. -- 5.1. Subordinate job satisfaction, morale and organisational commitment. -- 5.2. Influencing and improving performance. -- 5.3. Perceptions of leader effectiveness and subordinate responsiveness to leader. -- 5.4. Integrity and force ethics. -- 5.5. Personality and emotional intelligence. -- 6. CONCLUSION.