Toolkit on police integrity. |
2012 |
Good policing : instruments, models and practices / Monica den Boer, Changwon Pyo ; with the assistance of Charlotte Scheltus and Ratna Mathai-Luke ; editors Sol Iglesias, Ulrich Klingshirn. |
2011 |
RCMP code of conduct cases in British Columbia : a five year review : 2005-2009 / Darryl Plecas, Jennifer Armstrong, and Irwin M. Cohen. |
2011 |
The importance of integrity in security profession : bringing in human rights / Emile Kolthoff. |
2010 |
Performance management, gaming and police practice : a study of changing police behaviour in England and Wales during the era of New Public Management / by Rodger Patrick. |
2009 |
Surveillance, policing and privacy in the Community of Rights / Boettger, Lacey. |
2009 |
Annual report / Ethics Committee. |
2006 |
Corruption in policing : causes and consequences : a review of the literature / by
Don Loree. |
2006 |
Ethics training in Canadian police organizations / by Dieter Schachhuber. |
2004 |
Review of the use of force by and against Victorian police. |