Canada's Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction

Canada's Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) was established in 2009 as a multi-stakeholder national mechanism that coordinates and advises on areas of priority requiring concerted action. It has national oversight and leadership and is comprised of more than 700 members representing local to national levels of governance, multiple sectors and organizations to provide a whole-of-society perspective to reducing risk.

In 2015, along with 186 other countries from all over the world, Canada endorsed a post-2015 Hyogo Framework, known as the United Nations Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015-2030). DRR is defined as a systematic, whole-of-society approach to identifying, assessing and analyzing the causal effects of disasters and reducing the risks and impacts of disaster based on risk assessments.


A safer and more resilient Canada through the reduction of risks and leveraging of capacities and opportunities across all levels of government, the private sector, academia, non-governmental organizations, professional associations, Indigenous groups, and the general public.


  • To work in an integrated manner to reduce risk, vulnerability and impacts of natural and non-natural disasters to Canadians;
  • Provide a coordinating mechanism for DRR across sectors and using our existing networks; and
  • To support stakeholders with relevant knowledge and information.

Contact Us

For information on Canada's Platform or general membership, please contact Canada's Platform Secretariat at:
Phone: 613-991-9748

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