Disclosure of Grant and Contribution Awards Over $25,000

Recipient name : Parkland Youth Homes Society
Location : Red Deer, Alberta
Date : 2007-07-27
Value : $136,553.00
Type : Grant
Purpose : Parkland Youth Homes will build relationships with and enhance the knowledge, skills and support of, at minimum, 50 youth involved in multifaceted risky behaviours and/or substance abuse issues to reduce their risk of involvement or involvement in crime. Activities include the development of rapport with street involved youth through outreach activities and referrals from other ageinces; connect youth with information and resources on substance abuse, housing, employment, education and positive social/recreational activities; facilitate relationship development between youth and positive adult mentors; market and promote the centre to ensure there is an awareness amongst the youth and the community about the services offered by the centre; and plan, organize and implement an innovative arts project for youth to enhance their development of life and social skills.
Comments : Multi-Year: 2007/2008 to 2008/2009
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