Disclosure of Grant and Contribution Awards Over $25,000

Recipient name : Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police
Location : Ottawa, Ontario
Date : 2006-05-27
Value : $50,000.00
Type : Contribution
Purpose : The Law Enforcement Aboriginal and Diversity Network is hosting a conference entitled “Building Trust” April 30-May 3, 2006 in Toronto in order to foster improved relationships between police and diverse communities. Its focus is on the development, maintenance and reinforcement of trust between police services, Aboriginal communities and ethno-cultural communities. The theme “Building Trust” has been chosen for the conference because mutual awareness and respect between those in the law enforcement and justice systems, and those in the Aboriginal and ethno-cultural communities are essential to ensuring harmonious relations. This conference will bring together members of the law enforcement community, the Aboriginal communities, and members from ethno-cultural communities to continue parallel journeys down the twin paths of building trust and mutual respect.
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