Disclosure of Grant and Contribution Awards Over $25,000

Recipient name : South Slave Divisional Education Council
Location : Fort Smith, NT
Date : 2008-08-12
Value : $73,754.00
Type : Grant
Purpose : The "Partnership for Safe and Caring Communities Crime Prevention through Mentoring and Arts" is an innovative approach that aims to address risk factors including early substance use, lack of parental supervision, and lack of recreational activities among Aboriginal youth in the South Slave region of the Northwest Territories by developing a series of art workshops with the assistance of a project coordinator/mentor. This mentor will be working closely with Fort Smith schools and the community to identify potential candidates for this program. Then, mentorship and guidance will be provided in relation with the needs of the youth and their families. Meanwhile, theatre, arts, drama, dance and/or musical workshops will be taking place in the communities with the objective of sharing an anti-crime, anti-drug and anti-alcohol message. Those components will be providing the Aboriginal youth an alternative to substance abuse and criminal activities while strengthening their ability to communicate, developing their skills and talent, and improving their self-esteem.
Comments : Multi-Year: 2008/2009 to 2009/2010
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