Disclosure of Grant and Contribution Awards Over $25,000

Recipient name : Groupe communautaire l'Itinéraire
Location : Montréal, Québec
Date : 2006-05-05
Value : $57,500.00
Type : Contribution
Purpose : This project intends to better define the issue of recidivism among homeless young former inmates, in order to prevent crime involving them and downtown residents. To do this, the applicant organization plans to organize monthly group and personalized meetings with case workers; to distribute questionnaires to the participants concerning their perspective on the issue; to compile the information about this issue by preparing and forwarding the meeting reports; to organize interviews, meetings and consultations, and distribute questionnaires among prisons, youth centres, and correctional centres in the metropolitan area, as well as among downtown community police officers; and to design a forum on the resource's Web site, which provides information and invites significant others to express themselves.
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