Disclosure of Grant and Contribution Awards Over $25,000

Location : Winnipeg, Manitoba
Date : 2006-06-01
Value : $182,000.00
Type : Contribution
Purpose : This project is a partnership of refugee families, local police, community groups and provincial agencies. The project is a comprehensive, coordinated program that will expand opportunities and activities for refugee youth at risk; improve the knowledge base of each refugee youth about issues that affect them; connect refugee youth in a positive mentoring experience; increase information and education available for the youth's parents; raise awareness in the community about refugee youth and their unique issues, and build capacity within Winnipeg's refugee communities. Three staggered intakes will engage 45 refugee youth who will participate in a mentoring program, be eligible for counselling, and receive training that meets their specific needs. Training for parents of the refugee youth will also be provided. A promotional campaign about refugee youth and their issues will be launched to heighten awareness in the community. Finally, the project will train Winnipeg's refugee communities to empower and equip them to better deal with these issues in the future.
Comments : Multi-Year: 2006/2007 to 2007/2008
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