Disclosure of Grant and Contribution Awards Over $25,000

Recipient name : International Centre for the Prevention of Crime
Location : Montréal, Québec
Date : 2007-01-15
Value : $404,102.00
Type : Contribution
Purpose : For 2006-07, the ICPC will focus on practical knowledge development and dissemination in key thematic areas based on reviews of research and practice internationally: - in respect of youth gangs, preventive policing, and prevention within Aboriginal communities, the ICPC will prepare and publish comparative analysis reports 20 -50 pages in length focusing on examples of best practices, effective polices, current tools, and an analysis of the phenomenon; it will also prepare shorter analytical notes for decision-makers on key lessons derived from these analyses. - In respect of the role of the private sector and evaluation, it will create short 3-10 page briefs. Additionally in 2007, the Centre will prepare a report on the state of crime prevention and urban safety internationally. Knowing the state of countries's trends, practices, and policy directions will be very useful to government decision makers to evaluate the progress of crime prevention efforts in Canada, as well as for countries around the world. The organization will disseminate its work and knowledge for the benefit of practitioners and decision-makers in Canada and elsewhere through: - Its website - Its regular newsflashes - Specific tools, such as Les Cahiers de l'Institut, CD-ROM of its publications and Déjeuners causeries - Two international meetings and conferences. (“Communities in Action from Prevention”, Canberra, Australia, September 14-15,2006 and “Cities, Security and Democracy” in Saragosse, Spain, November 2-4, 2006) - Targeted and focused strategic seminars for NCPC staff.
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