Disclosure of Grant and Contribution Awards Over $25,000

Recipient name : Community MicroSkills Development Centre
Location : Etobicoke, Ontario
Date : 2007-06-25
Value : $600,000.00
Type : Contribution
Purpose : This project is a multi-site, multi-partner initiative that will annually engage 60-75 youth from North Etobicoke, aged 15-18, in after-school and summer activities that promote: civic awareness and responsibility; staying in school; personal, pre-employment and self-employment skills development; career orientation and planning; healthy lifestyles and relationships; safe and positive social engagement; adult and peer mentoring; as well as volunteer, leadership, and work experiences. This strategic intervention will create long term sustainable community changes. MicroSkills will engage youth most at-risk to develop a progression of safe and positive out-of-school activities that will increase youths' capacities to pursue positive life goals. At the same time this project will build the capacity of the community to keep youth safe, and support youths' healthy development and pursuit of positive goals. This project will engage local employers, educational institutions and organizations to support its out-of-school activities and build a network of youth-focused opportunities. This project will leave a legacy of resources and opportunities for new generations of youth. These will include: youth leaders, volunteers, mentors and role models; business and community champions; youth-run after school and summer programs; and community-sponsored volunteer and business opportunities for youth.
Comments : Multi-year: 2007-08 to 2010-11.
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