Disclosure of Grant and Contribution Awards Over $25,000

Recipient name : Surrey School District #36
Location : Surrey, BC
Date : 2007-07-04
Value : $82,600.00
Type : Contribution
Purpose : Straight Talk is a school-based program that involves students in facilitating parent evenings about violence issues using interactive one-on-one strategies. The development of a training manual and video will help school planning teams organize such events and provide training that students need to effectively engage their parents in discussions about guns, gangs and violence. Straight Talk will support the goals of the Health and Career Personal Planning curriculum objectives. It will be targeted to youth in Grades 7 & 8, as this is the age when they are most likely to engage in risk taking behaviour and when they have the potential to acquire a repertoire of skills adequate to facilitate a successful event. While the cultural diversity of Surrey has created a vibrant, culturally energetic community, it has also led to communication challenges in homes and areas of the community where English is not the primary language. Improved communication between parents and their school-aged children, and a better understanding of cross-cultural issues will strengthen family units. Parents will gain valuable insight into their child's world of school and peer group pressure. This improved family communication will in turn reduce the lure of gang activity as an alternative.
Comments : Multi-Year: 2007-2008 to 2008-2009
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