Disclosure of Grant and Contribution Awards Over $25,000

Recipient name : Centre de Ressources de la Communauté Noire
Location : Montréal, Québec
Date : 2007-07-06
Value : $748,333.00
Type : Contribution
Purpose : The proposed project will work on developing positive peer alternatives for at-risk youth and will seek to reduce negative attitudes, fear and mistrust of police often passed from one generation to the next within the Black community. Additionally, it will assist schools in linking with community resources to find supports for at-risk youth or youth already exhibiting behavioural difficulties that are likely to result in future gang involvement. School personnel will identify a group of at-risk youth who they feel can benefit from the project. Annually thirty six (36) youth will be selected from three (3) participating schools to take part in the project. The three (3) groups of youth will meet in their respective schools on a weekly basis with group animators and with a community police officer. Weekly meetings will consist of a variety of workshops, physical activities and police presentations. Individual services to youth and their family will also be provided. The program personnel will assure a regular presence in the schools. The youth will participate in activities related to civic participation and will learn the rights and responsibilities of citizens. Importantly, the youth will play a leadership role for specific activities within their schools and receive recognition as youth leaders. All activities will be conducted in a way to promote the unity, cohesiveness and solidarity of the group. The police will work in partnership with the BCRC to organise activities for the youth. In addition, the participating schools will make a commitment to use selected youth in performing duties within the school such as directing students during fire drills, hall monitoring and other tasks. The schools will also provide recognition to the youth participants within the school by presenting them as youth leaders. The youth involved in the project will supported during the summer months as well in order to keep the services and support mechanisms in place. The project will lead to more resources being available in the community that will make the youth choose not to join gangs. Rather, youth will develop a sense of belonging to positive peer groups. Ultimately, the project's long term outcome is to decrease gang-related crime in the community.
Comments : Multi-Year: 2007/2008 to 2011/2012
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