Disclosure of Grant and Contribution Awards Over $25,000

Recipient name : Crime Prevention Association of New Brunswick
Location : Oromocto, New Brunswick
Date : 2006-03-17
Value : $83,182.00
Type : Grant
Purpose : This project is to provide a training and learning forum for community volunteers and professionals where they can share information and enthusiasm, and develop skills and knowledge to support action at the local grass roots level. The conference will facilitate the dissemination of information on best practices and successful community-based initiatives and will continue to influence both the creation and the rejuvenation of community-based crime prevention associations in the four Atlantic Provinces. The project will also provide an opportunity for governments to consult with communities on a wide range of issues pertaining to crime and victimization prevention based on new developments and research. Thought this year's theme; "Healthy Families Make Safe Communities", this project will stimulate and support community action and inter-sectoral partnerships in the area of Family Violence Prevention and will identify factors that contribute to this goal. This project also presents an exciting opportunity to showcase and support the Government of New Brunswick's Action Plan addressing Violence Against Women: "A Better World for Women: Moving Forward 2005-2010".
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