Disclosure of Grant and Contribution Awards Over $25,000

Recipient name : Urban Native Youth Association
Location : Vancouver, British Columbia
Date : 2008-05-05
Value : $342,834.00
Type : Contribution
Purpose : Urban Native Youth Association supports Aboriginal youth in the urban setting by providing a diverse continuum of advocacy, prevention, and support services that respond to their immediate and long term needs. The organization also undertakes research and community development initiatives and strives to facilitate youth voices and youth leadership at all levels and in various forms throughout the community. Using the Circle of Courage model as a guide, this project will reduce the risk factors associated with urban Aboriginal youth engaging in criminal activity, alcohol and drug abuse, and violence and/or victimization. The project will include culturally competent pro-social activities aimed at increasing life skills among participants through sport, recreation, leadership, and mentorship opportunities. Specific workshops and activities will be implemented to address alcohol and drug prevention, as well as violence prevention. Youth will be referred to the project through organizations, including the police, that work specifically with Aboriginal youth who are at-risk and/or street involved. Referrals to other services, including drug and alcohol counsellors, mental health workers, tutoring and school support programs, and housing programs, will be made as appropriate.
Comments : Multi-Year: 2008/2009 to 2010/2011
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