Disclosure of Grant and Contribution Awards Over $25,000

Recipient name : Conférence régionale des élues du Bas-Saint-Laurent
Location : Rimouski (Québec)
Date : 2009-01-30
Value : $375,037.00
Type : Contribution
Purpose : The project's primary objective is to reduce drug related crimes committed by young people. The Bas Saint Laurent region showed one of the highest increases in drug related offences (+19%, particularly from trafficking),which are the direct source of at least 75% of the crimes committed by young people. The project is supported by a large organization of partners who have identified a real need for street workers. These workers will be able to reach out to youth who at most at risk, a group that rarely consults traditional social services. This objective will be achieved through the following activities: setting up local steering committees in each regional county municipality (RCM) to develop, implement and monitor the project; establish a portrait of the young people in each respective RCM; identify locations where at risk youth can be found and build partnerships with resources able to help them; provide training to street workers and promote their role in the media, schools and youth centres; establish, through street work, a regular presence in the target locations and provide young people with a welcoming environment, someone to listen to them, support, crisis management, referrals and accompaniment to resources; and conduct an assessment of street work services.
Comments : Multi-Year: 2008/2009 to 2010/2011
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