Disclosure of Grant and Contribution Awards Over $25,000

Recipient name : Heartwood Centre for Community Youth Development
Location : Halifax, Nova Scotia
Date : 2006-02-14
Value : $243,995.00
Type : Contribution
Purpose : This project aims to reduce youth crime and youth victimization. The project will contribute to this goal by mobilizing youth in care and child welfare agency representatives in an effort to enhance the life skills and decision making skills of the target group. This will be achieved through the introduction of the UP Café which is a forum designed to assemble youth-in-care together in an environment that promotes growth, develops confidence and allows them to share their ideas and concerns. The thought is that youth will become less involved in negative and aggressive behaviour if it is clear to them that someone is paying attention to their concerns and is interested in listening to their views and concerns with respect to gang violence, swarming and bullying. Funding from the community stakeholders on the next page of this summary will complement CPAF funding.
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