Disclosure of Grant and Contribution Awards Over $25,000

Recipient name : Centre for Coaching Education of New Brunswick
Location : Fredericton, New Brunswick
Date : 2006-02-08
Value : $47,980.00
Type : Contribution
Purpose : The project will aim to educate the sport/recreation community about ways they can create a safe environment for youth in the province. In support of the goal, the project will increase the group's capacity, human and financial, to promote and offer eleven workshops across the province. Some sessions will be offered on the issues of abuse/harassment between adults and youth and others will be specifically focused on the issues that arise between parents and coaches/officials. There will be approximately 25 people per session that will be educated and the general public will also be invited to attend. As well, the project will utilize the best practices learned through a previous Red Cross lead project at Elsipogtog First Nation to support the development of an adapted curriculum specifically for aboriginal sport and recreation. This will be done in consultation with the steering committee and aboriginal sport leaders in the province. Finally, a train the trainer component will also be part of this project. Ten people interested in becoming trainers for these issues will be recruited, screened, and trained to deliver abuse and harassment sessions in the province. The training will be held in French as this is the major gap for facilitators in the province. A francophone trainer will be brought from Quebec to facilitate a 32 hour training program for new facilitators and current facilitators who would like to improve their skills. All forms of bullying and harassment, and the legal system will be discussed during this project. In addition, violations of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and provincial Human Rights Codes will be a significant portion of training for all participants.
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