Disclosure of Grant and Contribution Awards Over $25,000

Recipient name : Contre Toute Agression Conjugale
Location : Rimouski, Québec
Date : 2007-05-23
Value : $60,000.00
Type : Grant
Purpose : This program is divided into two components. The first is to arrange for school workers to identify young people grappling with violent behaviour and have them participate in three group meetings on violence and its impacts. These groups will be composed of 8-10 young people and offered five times in each target school, with different young people chosen each time. After each meeting, participants will be met for an evaluation of the effects of this component on them. The second component is to encourage these same young people to participate voluntarily in a therapy group, with 12 meetings facilitated jointly by a C TA C worker and a school worker. There will be a group in each school, reaching about 20 young people. This component aims to have young people assume responsibility for their behaviour, to have them become aware of the impacts of the violence they do and commit themselves to changing their choice of behaviour. The approach closes with a creative project leading the young people who participated in the last component to think about their personal progress. This year, the organization plans to offer this program in two schools: Paul-Hubert in Rimouski and Le Mistral in Mont-Joli. This phase will enable a consolidation of the approach and an assessment of the effects on the target clientele. Throughout the project, information and exchange meetings will be held to inform school workers about the program itself, with a view to increasing consultation opportunities between them and “Ayoye!” workers who supervise the program.
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