Disclosure of Grant and Contribution Awards Over $25,000

Recipient name : Crossing Communities Art Project
Location : Winnipeg, Manitoba
Date : 2007-06-20
Value : $142,437.00
Type : Grant
Purpose : The project will work with partner organizations to develop selection criteria and recruitment of at-risk youth. Participating youth will attend and receive high school credits for two high school courses at the University of Winnipeg Collegiate. A complementary activity will engage participating youth in learning problem-solving skills utilizing arts and cultural expression. Research indicates that if we are going to engage at-risk youth, we must utilize methodology that the youth desire. The participants will develop their performances while volunteering in community centres teaching the skills they have learned. Public events will exhibit the artistic productions of the youth to a broad sector of the community who will then participate in forums that will seek solutions to decrease violence and strategize on alternative solutions to imprisonment. Performances will be staged in Winnipeg and Brandon. A video documentation of the project from inception to completion will be delivered. A website will also be developed.
Comments : Multi-year: 2007-08 to 2008-09.
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