Disclosure of Grant and Contribution Awards Over $25,000

Recipient name : Association de la communauté noire de Côte des Neiges
Location : Montréal, Québec
Date : 2007-06-25
Value : $50,000.00
Type : Grant
Purpose : CDN TBCA will continue the development of effective, science -based prevention programs that match the needs and culture of Black youth (7-15yrs) and their families. Based upon the successful results of the past two years and with the support of Concordia University the proponent will review all its programs and identify improvement goals and indicators of success. It will also partner with local elementary schools to identify Black youth at risk (6-13 yrs) and develop a joint prevention planning approach to share resource, coordinate efforts and develop “best practice school-based approaches”. The proponent will strengthen the prevention focus and integrate all of its programs to target Black youth (7-15 yrs) at risk and their families. Additionally, CDN BCA will collaborate with Montreal Urban Community Police and the CLSC to develop a substance abuse prevention information campaign, involving youth in the development and implementation of this value-based and culturally appropriate information campaign. A train the trainers program for the Strengthening Families Program implemented recently will also be developed and tested. Lessons learned from past experiences will be applied to the prevention planning process, which will also include a needs assessment of the target group, community consultations on these needs and priority setting. The result will be a Prevention Action Plan for 2006-2007-2008 which will target youth at risk and their families, and involve a broad cross-section of the community in the planning and program development. This model of prevention planning and development will be disseminated within the African Canadian Development and Prevention Network and its member organizations. Some of the major partners include health Canada, the City of Montreal and both Concordia and McGill Universites.
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