Travel and hospitality expenses

Bernier, Chantal - Assistant Deputy Minister Corrections and Aboriginal Policing Branch

December 2 to March 1, 2005

Travel Expenses

Date(s) Purpose Total Cost
December 8, 2004 Meeting with Securite publique de Quebec on Kanesatake $11.60
January 19-20, 2005 FN police governance authorities workshop - Quebec $973.20
January 31 - February 1, 2005 To visit NCPC projects and to make a presentation to ACOA in Moncton, New Brunswick $1,516.59
February 21-22, 2005 Gives a speech - Programme Leadership Direction $441.22
* Total: $2,942.61
* Total includes all applicable taxes

Hospitality Expenses

Date Event Description Cost
December 8, 2004 Working lunch - urgent policing issues in Quebec $79.13
December 16, 2004 Joint Corrections Policy Committee meeting $30.50
February 7, 2005 Lunch Policy capacity and program evaluation processes $170.01
* Total: $279.64
* Total includes all applicable taxes

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